Lyft Driver Gives alt=

Kaveh Roshan, Financial Engineer

In a world where economic deprivation is a reality for most of the middle-class, one Financial Engineer doubling as a ride-share driver has a real solution.

I intend to impact your life, by changing your mind.”

— Kaveh Roshan

MALIBU, CA, USA, November 21, 2023 / — Starting in the month of November 2023, the Benefactor of The Lichello Leadership Foundation pays-it-forward by making Thanksgiving a year-round mission of spreading wisdom and gratitude.

If you’re a Lyft passenger in the greater Los Angeles area, then you might be lucky enough to get a unique life-changing ride from Kaveh Roshan – a would-be benefactor of a non-profit foundation who greets his passengers with a simple yet powerful statement:

   “I intend to impact your life by changing your mind.”

After an initial semi-awkward pause, Roshan’s philanthropic intentions quickly become clear. Passengers are informed via their ride-share app that: “This driver is a researcher conducting a social experiment.” and “Will you [the rider] be willing to participate in a thought experiment?”

“Everyone’s intrigued… they think they’re in Cash Cab – and in a way they are.” says Roshan, whose primary vocation is a data science researcher in financial engineering.

So what is the profound, life-changing question Roshan asks everyone he encounters? He solicits a binary ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ answer to the following question:

   “Are there any guarantees?”

“Practically everyone says ‘NO’” states Roshan, where he then informs them [with authority] that, in fact, there is one (and only one) guarantee that does exist; at which point everybody repeats the societal nomenclature: “The only guarantee(s) are death and taxes.” “They are incorrect on both counts.” insists Roshan – and he actually proves it to the amazement of everybody.

“Understanding is the ability to change your perspective,” Roshan informs his baffled passengers… “You are correct that all biological life ends; however, in order for ‘death’ to be a guarantee you need ‘life’ to be a guarantee first – and life is not guaranteed (no one is guaranteed to be born) and therefore neither is subsequent death. However, there is one (and only one) thing that is a guarantee that actually supersedes ‘life’ – meaning that even if you were never born, there is one guarantee that does exist regardless… It is absolute, it is universal, it is 100% certain, 100% of the time, at any time, and every time, anywhere, and everywhere — and the (coincidental) fact that you are alive, means the guarantee is definitely in your life.

   And that 100% absolute universal guarantee is…

In order to benefit from the life-changing answer (and it’s not religious if that’s what you’re assuming) you have two choices:
(1) Keep an eye out and find yourself in a Lyft in the greater Los Angeles area with Kaveh Roshan as your driver; or
(2) Reproduce the “I intend to impact your life by changing your mind” encounter virtually by visiting Roshan’s foundation dedicated to reverse-engineering economic deprivation at: https://Guarantee.Lichello.Foundation

   You will not be disappointed with the answer (…it’s not what you think).

The takeaway from Roshan’s unique approach of ‘impacting lives by changing minds’ has received praise from practically everyone who thanks him for his thoughtfulness and guaranteed solution. Roshan explains, “I knew I was making an impact when I first began driving for Lyft and I got a $100 tip from a passenger. I couldn’t imagine a more rewarding experience until I received a $500 tip from another unassuming passenger. That passenger wrote on my public feedback Lyft profile: “Once, if you’re lucky, in your life you will meet a person like this!” From that moment on, I knew my answer to life’s most profound question was a real-world life-changing solution that everyone can understand and implement — I am determined to make everyone realize the guarantee.”

As he continues to drive and spread his message, Roshan makes a lasting impact on the lives of those he encounters. You may just get lucky enough to get the ride that not only gets you to your destination but also leaves you with a heart full of gratitude and a new lease on life that you will forever benefit from – financially.


Learn more about Kaveh Roshan, his initiatives and vocations:
Media requests: https://Speaker.Intake.Financial.Engineering
Interview requests: https://Subject.Matter.Expert.Financial.Engineering

To learn the definitions of ‘Economic Deprivation’ and ‘Financial Solidarity’ click here: https://Financial.Engineering/definitions

The Lichello Financial Leadership Foundation is an American independent education academy dedicated to achieving financial solidarity, and excellence in science – for the benefit of humanity.
Learn more at: https://Lichello.Foundation

Kaveh Roshan, Benefactor
The Lichello Foundation
+1 213-293-6894
[email protected]

Originally published at

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