Press Release

Feb 10, 2022

Fulton Books author Amy Andrews, a writer from central Pennsylvania who runs an orchard and garden with her family, has completed her most recent book “Tell Them I Love Them”: a touching illustration that goes to show how God never leaves any one of us. When we’re young, growing up, in pain, alone, or even in moments of happiness, Jesus is there and He loves us. 

“Tell Them I Love Them was the directive in Amy’s heart from the Lord. Adults and children alike need to know they are cherished. So many problems in every aspect of society can be traced back to a moment or habitual repetition in individual lives, where one needed love and did not receive it. By touching the surface of the fathomless depths of describing God’s love, this book seeks to reawaken the long sheltered hearts of the adults as they read it to their children while establishing a foundation for thriving in the hearts of the small ones.”

Published by Fulton Books, Amy Andrews’ book holds a powerful message of God’s unwavering presence and unconditional love. It speaks about how in every single moment of one’s life, Jesus is present to guide and love His child.

Remember, if there’s anything constant in life, it’s Him.

Readers who wish to experience this great work can purchase “Tell Them I Love Them” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Author Support via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 877-210-0816. 

Source: Fulton Books

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