Press Release

Feb 1, 2022

Fulton Books author, Addison C. Marley, a doting dad and Gdaddy to his grandkids, has completed his most recent book “Outside My Window”: a sweet tale seen through the eyes of a child. She talks about the things she usually sees outside; things that fascinate her eyes and bring a smile to her face. She is an optimistic little girl who believes that, one day, when her body has finally healed from illness, she’ll have the privilege to enjoy the beautiful world outside her window.

Marley shares, “Kids do not always get to be just kids. Sometimes an illness keeps them inside, and they are not allowed to just be their little selves. Outside My Window is a book of hope. It was written from a child’s view of just what all they see through their windows while being stuck inside. It is meant to encourage that no matter what the circumstances might be, one day they will be back outside their windows and playing again as any child should. With enough hope and prayer, the window can be temporary. Marley reminds us that we all face “Windows” in our lives, both young and old. The Window is all Inclusive and does not differentiate between social classes, age or gender. Do you know a child that needs to be lifted up? Share this book and its bright illustrations with someone you care about and love to encourage them today, that soon they will be back outside to play!”

Published by Fulton Books, Addison C. Marley’s book is a charming story meant to uplift the spirits of kids who are eager to play and bask in the sun but couldn’t due to forbidding circumstances. 

The author uses his creativity to plant hope in the hearts of the children.

Readers who wish to experience this heartfelt work can purchase “Outside My Window” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Author Support via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 877-210-0816. 

Source: Fulton Books

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