The only mining machine company authorized by the Ghana government, pacminer, has recruited over 300,000 miners in Ghana

The only mining machine company authorized by the Ghana government, pacminer, has recruited over 300,000 miners in Ghana

The only mining machine company authorized by the Ghana government, pacminer, has recruited over 300000 miners in Ghana

GHANA, October 11, 2023 / — On October 6th, after discussing cooperation with the Ghanaian government in September, blockchain mining platform pacminer received the exclusive authorization from the Ghana government to conduct mining operations locally. They have already recruited over 300,000 miners. Pacminer will also hold multiple launch ceremonies and special recruitment events locally, expecting to recruit more than 800,000 miners by the end of 2023. This not only guarantees employment and livelihood for the local population but also further promotes economic development in the Ghana region.

As the only mining platform authorized by the Ghanaian government, pacminer enjoys tax reductions and subsidies, with dedicated personnel liaising to strengthen regular contact with local employers and labor bases. They promptly provide employment information. “Pacminer and the Ghana government’s human resources department have signed an employment cooperation agreement, ensuring job diversity while providing more job positions and a broader employment platform for job seekers,” said an official from the Ghana government’s human resources department.

The official also mentioned, “We will also collaborate with pacminer’s mining machines to focus on the construction of open test zones based on local conditions, expanding employment opportunities, creatively providing more job positions for everyone. They will also help with job-specific training to enhance employment quality, streamline online employment channels, and comprehensively promote high-quality employment in various ways. This approach draws global attention to the region’s changes and attracts more investments from strong platforms like pacminer.”

In its actions to provide more job positions, pacminer leverages financial funds to amplify financial resources. This not only injects a substantial amount of money into the local market but also helps in building new cooperative business networks. More importantly, it aims to achieve consensus on some “digital norms” and “digital etiquettes,” allowing the digital economy of mining to be deeply rooted in people’s hearts. It encourages more businesses and individuals to use digital financial services, profoundly promoting Ghana’s development.

In terms of global patterns, pacminer provides more jobs in Ghana through mining, actively fulfilling its social responsibilities, playing a vital role in global digital economic cooperation, and making significant contributions. From its inception, the platform has been helping to bridge the digital divide and combat digital poverty. Everyone should enjoy the benefits of the era. After several years of development, pacminer is chosen and trusted by users in over 80 countries, with the number of mining machines in different regions experiencing substantial growth.

Pacminer will also rely on its globally renowned partners and team’s digital capabilities to take further measures in the future, expanding its operations in various regions, offering better services, and achieving more outstanding accomplishments in global digital economic development and cooperation.

Pacminer Blockchain Technology Co.,Ltd.
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