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Kha Creation’s latest project,, successfully merges user-friendly design with a sustainable revenue model.

This project represents a harmony of user engagement and revenue generation, redefining resource accessibility.”

— Sandeepa Nayak, CEO of Kha Creation

ANTIOCH , CALIFORNIA , UNITED STATES, December 23, 2023 / — Kha Creation, a pioneer in web development and digital strategy, has completed an extensive project for, transforming it into a comprehensive resource for individuals navigating through divorce, particularly in California. This initiative marks a significant step forward in making divorce procedures less daunting and more accessible.

The primary challenge was to create a platform that provided valuable resources for users dealing with divorce while also establishing a viable revenue model to sustain and expand the site. This delicate balance required a system that offered free previews to engage users, coupled with a subscription-based model for more comprehensive guides, ensuring a consistent revenue flow. Adding to the complexity was the integration with Vimeo for hosting and managing video guides, necessitating a seamless transition from free previews to paid subscriptions, all while maintaining content exclusivity​​.

Strategic Approach

The solution was the development of a subscription-based module seamlessly integrated into Vimeo was selected for hosting and managing the paid video guides. An innovative preview feature was also implemented, allowing logged-in users to sample the content before opting for a subscription​​.

The Outcome

The result was a smooth and efficient subscription system, giving users access to detailed guides upon subscription. The free previews were crucial in attracting potential subscribers, creating a perfect equilibrium between monetization and user engagement​​.

Site Features and Mission serves as a hub of resources for individuals undergoing a divorce in California. The site offers a variety of free resources, including instructional videos, downloadable court forms, and guides on various divorce procedures. For those seeking in-depth guidance, the site also provides paid instructional packages. The overarching mission is to simplify the divorce process, making it less time-consuming, expensive, and strenuous by offering step-by-step guidance without the need for hiring legal counsel​​.

Project Initiation and Design Implementation

Kha Creation embarked on this project with a series of in-depth meetings to understand’s requirements fully. There was a comprehensive analysis of the target audience and competitors to tailor the design to market needs. The team employed user-centric design, interactive prototypes, and A/B testing to develop a user interface that was not only intuitive but also stood out in the competitive market​​.

Content Management System

The project leveraged WordPress platform as the foundational platform, focusing on customizing the Membership Pro plugin to build the subscription module. This customization was integral in integrating Vimeo-hosted video guides and the free preview feature, aligning the user experience with the site’s monetization goals and enhancing user engagement. This robust system met all the project’s objectives, providing a seamless and user-friendly subscription experience​​.

Impact and Reception

The project’s completion led to a significant increase in subscriptions, indicating strong user reception and satisfaction. This growth not only enhanced the user experience but also substantially increased the revenue through subscriptions. The feedback received from users showed a high level of satisfaction with both the free and paid content, underlining the success in balancing monetization with user engagement​​.

Kha Creation’s work on exemplifies its capability to blend technical innovation with user-centric design, resulting in a platform that not only serves its purpose effectively but also sets a new standard in the digital resource domain. The success of stands as a testament to Kha Creation’s expertise in creating solutions that cater to both business objectives and user needs.

Sandeepa Nayak
+ +1 (925) 338-9117
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