Businesses Go All-In on Digital: 64% Boost Digital Marketing Spends in 2024, Embracing Integrated Ecosystem for Growth

Terry Kasdan is Co-Founder of atCommunications and Adjunct Professor at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Businesses are doubling down on their digital media footprints, recognizing the immense potential to reach new customers, build brand loyalty, and drive sales.

Imagine showing up just as someone asks, ‘Where can I find your product?’ Paid search makes this—which is every marketer’s dream—a reality.”

— Terry Kasdan

CHICAGO, IL, USA, February 23, 2024 / — 64% of businesses plan to increase their digital marketing spends in 2024, according to a recent survey of prospective and existing clients conducted by atCommunications, LLC. Businesses are doubling down on their digital media footprints, recognizing the immense potential to reach new customers, build brand loyalty, and drive sales.

Paid search, with its unique ability to target customers actively searching for specific products and services, is a top priority. 53% of businesses plan to increase their investments in paid search.

“Imagine showing up just as someone asks, ‘Where can I find your product?'” says atCommunications’ co-founder Terry Kasdan. “Paid search, like Google Ads, makes this—which is every marketer’s dream—a reality by allowing advertisers to pick the queries that trigger their ads.”

41% of businesses also plan to up their spends in social media in order to connect with customers, build communities, and cultivate brand awareness through organic content, influencer collaborations, and targeted ads.

But the commitment goes beyond individual channels.

“Businesses are embracing comprehensive digital marketing approaches, weaving content marketing, email marketing, and mobile tactics into their strategies,” says Kasdan, who is also an adjunct professor in the College of Media at the University of Illinois. 45% plan to invest in high-quality content such as blog posts and videos to attract organic traffic and establish credibility. Email marketing, with its proven ROI, sees a 31% increase in planned spending, as businesses leverage automation and personalization to nurture leads and convert customers.

The surge in digital marketing spending signifies a watershed moment. “Businesses no longer view digital channels as isolated tactics, as they did pre-pandemic,” Kasdan says. “The digital space is now recognized as a powerful, integrated ecosystem where every interaction contributes to a cohesive customer journey.”

Terry Kasdan
atCommunications, LLC
+1 800-863-2310
email us here

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